New Rules for the New Boss?
The General Assembly's investigation of Bob Ehrlich's questionable hiring and firing practices may result in Martin O'Malley not enjoying the same amount of power over at-will state employees, the Sun reports. If I recall, there was some concern from various quarters that the Democrats in the General Assembly would regret trying to constrain the Governor, in this and in other areas, once a fellow Democrat comes into office. This may, indeed, be the case here, but unless O'Malley has his own Joseph Steffen, I doubt it. Moreover, even if the General Assembly does make new rules regarding executive appointments, O'Malley is still going to have a lot of power: The General Assembly only meets 90 days out of the year, meaning that the executive branch (including the Comptroller, Treasurer, and Attorney General) will, of necessity, have a lot of control over not just the broad agenda, but the details, of government.Tags: maryland politics martin omalley political appointments patronage