Fort Meade Expansion Brings Sprawl
From the WaPo:When the Pentagon announced a long-term plan to reorganize the nation's military bases, Fort Meade became one of the region's big winners.
Now, more than a year later, residents near the Anne Arundel County base fear that they might turn out to be the big losers, as developers rush to accommodate an estimated 5,400 additional workers coming to the base.
I've come to refer to the D.C. Metro area as "the land of perpetual rush hour," and with the various BRAC expansions, it will become even more so.
In this vein, let me link to a rather compelling proposal my brother once made to reduce sprawl in the D.C. area: move the various departments of the federal government to other, less congested areas of the country. It'll never happen, of course, but in an age of instant communication, it's at least a possibility, and a good one, at that.