The case against Al Wynn, Part 2
While we're waiting for Matt Stoller's big news about Al Wynn, let's remember another reason why he should not be reelected.The day before Wynn voted to sell out the average American to the credit and debt industry, he was faced with a vote on a permanent repeal of the estate tax, one of the holy grails for President Bush and the Republican Party. Despite GOP propaganda to the contrary, only a minority of a minority of a minority of Americans ever pay this tax, and for good reason: they are the wealthiest of Americans, and thus have the greatest potential for establishing an aristocracy of wealth in this country through the passing of their extreme wealth to heirs who have done nothing to earn it. Not for nothing is it often called "The Paris Hilton Tax." The only reason one would vote for this bill, especially in a time of massive budget deficits, is out of some obsequious desire to please the rich at the expense of all other hard-working Americans.
Al Wynn voted for this bill. Support Donna Edwards' effort to defeat him.
(Edited for clarity.)
Tags: maryland md-04 al wynn donna edwards democrats estate tax